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Earth Day - SES


Our mission is to provide Swainsboro Elementary students with the “Power to Succeed” by being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready.

We encourage our students to excel in the positive ABC’s of learning:

Academics   ~   Behavior   ~   Character

Principal's Message

I cannot believe we are almost at the end of the 3rd nine weeks. It will end on March 15. Report cards will be sent home on Mar. 22. Thank you for supporting your child this year. As we continue to work together as partners in education, we will see positive results in your child's academic performance.


View our Calendar of Events


SES provides a myriad of activities for students such as Chess Club, Jr. Beta and more. 

School Nutrition

Visit our School Nutrition page to view Breakfast and Lunch menus. 


Swainsboro Elementary School prioritizes academics in every area. 

Title I

The intent of Federal Programs is to “help all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments.” Our Federal Programs also strive to “enable schools to provide opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged children to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards developed for all children.”  Federal Programs “supplements” and not supplants what the required Local and State funds provide.

What's Happening

Swapable Panel Container

By the Numbers


Students at SES


Employees at SES


Computers to students ratio


Percent of teachers meeting professional qualifications


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